Datura metel L.

Datura metel L., Sp. Pl. 1: 179 (1753). 

Datura metel
Datura metel
Datura metel
Datura metel
Datura metel L., Photo by Hoa Anh Đào

The native range of this species is Texas to Colombia. It is an annual and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome. It is used as a poison and a medicine, has environmental uses and social uses and for food.

Vietnamese names: 

Cà độc dược, Mạn đà la, Độc giã, Cà diên, Sùa tùa (Hmông), Plờn (Kho), Cà lục lược (Tày), Hìa kía piếu (Dao)

Latin name: 

Datura metel L. – Datura fastuosa L.




Asthma reliever. Cough cure (Attractive leaves or flowers). Stomach pain, seasickness (Leaf soaked in wine, drink drop by drop).


Cultivated plant, now becoming fallow in many places.

Flower and fruit season: 

May to October

Be careful when using poison.

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