Aralia armata

Aralia armata (Wall. ex G.Don) Seem

Aralia armata
Aralia armata
Aralia armata
Aralia armata
Aralia armata
Aralia armata (Wall. ex G.Don) Seem; Photo by Khương Thắng

The native range of this species is E. India, E. Himalaya to S. China and Indo-China. It is a shrub or tree and grows primarily in the subtropical biome.

Vietnamese name: 

Đơn châu ấp, Cây răng, Cây đu đủ, Đinh lăng gai

Latin name: 

Aralia armata (Wall.) Seem. – Panax propeller wall. former G. Don




The whole plant cures rheumatism, paralysis, edema; leaves and correct mistakes. Sharp root or nose amygdalitis, Mucositis, rheumatism, Acute hepatitis, Diphtheria, Edema nephritis, Mastitis, knife wound, malaria. Body as a tonic. Crushed leaves are used to treat boils. The sap of the young dot melts the stye right in front of your eyes. Dried star fruit, powdered is anti stuffy nose.


The tree grows naturally in most of the midland and mountainous provinces.

Fruit season: 

April-VI; July-October

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