Zehneria indica

Zehneria indica (Lour.) Keraudren, Fl. Cambodge, Laos & Vietnam 15: 52 (1975).

Zehneria indica
Zehneria indica
Zehneria indica
Zehneria indica
Zehneria indica
Zehneria indica (Lour.) Keraudren, Photo by Hoan Lý 

The native range of this species is Indian Subcontinent to Myanmar. It is a climbing annual or biennial and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome.

Vietnamese name: 

Dây pọp

Latin name: 

Zehneria indica (Lour.) Karaudren – Melothria indica Lour.




The whole plant is used as a medicine to clear heat, detoxify, diuretic, and emphysema. Also cures fainting due to wind and sunstroke.


The tree grows naturally on the edge of humid forests and is common throughout Vietnam.

Flowering and fruiting season: 


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