Hyptis capitata

Hyptis capitata Jacq., Collectanea [Jacquin] 1: 102; Ic. Rar. 1, t. 114.

Hyptis capitata
Hyptis capitata Jacq., Photo by Đỗ Hòa Hiệp

The native range of this species is Florida, Mexico to Tropical America. It is an annual or perennial and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome. It is used to treat unspecified medicinal disorders, as a medicine, has environmental uses and for food.

Local name:

Nàng hai

Other names: 

É lớn đầu, Nàng ba, É hình thoi, É hoa đầu

English name: 

False ironwort, False ironweed

Latin name: 

Hyptis capitata Jacq., 1787

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