Hibiscus sabdariffa L.

Hibiscus sabdariffa L., Sp. Pl. [Linnaeus] 2: 695 (1753).

Hibiscus sabdariffa
Hibiscus sabdariffa L., Photo by Điểu Nho

The native range of this species is W. Tropical Africa to Sudan. It is an annual or biennial and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome. It is has environmental uses and social uses, as animal food, a poison and a medicine and for food.

Vietnamese name: 

Bụp giấm

Latin name: 

Hibiscus sabdariffa L.




Anti-inflammatory, diuretic, liver and kidney tonic, treatment of kidney stones, urinary stones (whole tree).


Kon Tum (Sa Thay, Dak Coi), Gia Lai (Kon Ha Nung). Imported trees.

Flowering and fruiting season: 

March-September; May-September

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