Bulbophyllum stenobulbon

Bulbophyllum stenobulbon Par. & Reiclienb. f.

Bulbophyllum stenobulbon
Bulbophyllum stenobulbon
Bulbophyllum stenobulbon
Bulbophyllum stenobulbon Par. & Reiclienb. f.; photos © L. Averyanov

1874, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 30, 1: 153: Seidenf., 1992, Opera Bot. 114: 297; P. H. Ho, 1993, 111. FI. Vietnam 3, 2: 1109, f. 10260; Aver., 1994, Ident. Guide Vietnam. Orch.: 263; Thin, 1997, Sida 17, 4: 756, sub ”stenobullon" Aver. & Averyanova, 2003, Updated Checkl. Orch. Vietnam: 17.


Bulbophyllum concinnum auct. non Hook, f., 1890: Gagnep., 1932, in Lecomte, Fl. Gen. Indo-Chine 6: 272. 

Studied collections. 

2 May 1985, Averyanov et al., LX-VN1828/71.


Tiny epiphyte and lithophyte with long, thin, slender, creeping rhizome 1—1.5 mm thick and erect oblong-globose l-leaved pseudobulbs 0.8—1.2 by 0.3—0.5 cm. Leaves sub-sessile, narrowly oblong-elliptic, 1.5—3 bv 0.6—1 cm. Inflorescence appearing from the base of pseudobulb, 0.8—1.5 cm long, with 2—3 flowers. Flowers 5—6 mm across. Sepals and petals white to yellowish, with yellow-orange tips. Sepals sub-similar, lanceolate, acuminate, with thickened apex, 5 by 2 mm. Petals broadly ovate, obtuse to acute, 2.5—3.5 by 1—1.5 nun. Lip about 3 mm long, simple, narrowly ovate, decurved, with erose margins, upper surface convex, with an elongate central pit. Column with long filiform stelidia.

Flowering time. 


Geographic range. 

Bhutan, NE. India, Myanmar, China, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam.


A tiny plant commonly growing in canopies of large trees, it is easily overlooked during field studies and collecting. In Vietnam probably rather common and widespread.


Leonid V. Averyanov, Nguyen Tien Hiep, Phan Ke Loc, The orchids Of Cuc Phuong National Park Illustrated guide, ISBN: 9781626751514

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