Mimusops elengi

Mimusops elengi L., Sp. Pl. 1: 349 (1753).

Mimusops elengi
Mimusops elengi
Mimusops elengi L., Photo by Phiêu Lãng

its native range is S. India to Vanuatu.

Vietnamese name:

Sến cát, Sến xanh.


In Vietnam: Kon Tum, Gia Lai, Lam Dong, Ho Chi Minh City. The tree grows naturally in evergreen forest, at an altitude of less than 700 m; It is also grown for timber and shade.


The bark is used to treat skin diseases, pimples on the face, leukoplakia. In India, the bark cures fever, the leaves cure snakebite. Ripe fruit pulp cures chronic dysentery, chewed green fruit strengthens tooth roots. Crushed seeds are applied to the anus to treat constipation in children. In Thailand, dried flowers cure angina and muscle pain; sharp bark to cure gingivitis; Wood is used as a heart tonic, liver and lung tonic and to help women give birth.

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