Angraecum coutrixii

 Angraecum coutrixii Bosser, Adansonia sér. 2, 10: 107 (1970).

Angraecum coutrixii
Angraecum coutrixii
Angraecum coutrixii
Angraecum coutrixii
Angraecum coutrixii
Angraecum coutrixii
Angraecum coutrixii Bosser, Photo by Natiora Hanitriniala Madagascar

its native range is S. Central Madagascar.

1 Comment:

jay pfahl on July 12, 2022 at 10:28 AM said...

Email me at These are the only true photos of this species on the net. I can show you the type drawing to prove it. There are tens of photos purported to be this species but they are not.

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