Zeuxine reflexa King & Pantl., Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta) 8: 291.
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Zeuxine reflexa King & Pantl., Photo by 蘇清記 |
its native range is E. Nepal to Thailand, China (Hong Kong).
Latin Name:
Zeuxine reflexa King & Pantl.
Orchidaceae Juss.
No synonyms are recorded for this name.
English Name:
The Bent Abrupty Back Zeuxine.
Chienese name:
折唇线柱兰 zhe chun xian zhu lan
Terrestrial herbs, 17-23 cm tall. Rhizome up to 6 cm long, 3-6 mm thick, terete, creeping, rooting at nodes. Roots 1-5 cm long, pale brown, fleshy, with minute root-hairs. Stem unbranched, erect, sometimes decumbent at base, 5-8 cm long, 3-6 mm in diameter, pale green, glabrous, with membranous sheaths formed by withered leaf-bases. Leaves 3-5, scattered along stem, sometimes crowded near apex, 1.2-3 cm long, withered during flowering, glabrous; petioles 1-3 mm long, sheathing at base; lamina 1- 2.8 × 0.4-0.8 cm, narrowly ovate to lanceolate, obtuse at base, acute at apex, 5 to many veined. Inflorescence a terminal raceme, laxly 6-12 flowered, pubescent; peduncles 6-8 cm long, with 1-2 bracts; bracts 0.8-1.3 cm long, acuminate at apex, clasping, pubescent; rachis 5-7 cm long. Floral bracts 4- 9 × 1.5-2 mm, usually as long as ovary, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate at apex, 1-veined. Flowers 0.6-1.2 cm long, resupinate. Sepals free, greenish brown, pubescent; dorsal sepal 4.2-5.2 × 1.8-2.2 mm, ovate-lanceolate, subacute at apex, adnate to petals to form a hood on column, 1-veined; lateral sepals 4- 5 × 1.5-2 mm, ovate-lanceolate to oblong-ovate, obtuse at apex, spreading, 1-veined. Petals 3.8-4.2 × 0.8-1.2 mm (at widest portion), obliquely elliptic- lanceolate, obtuse at apex, white, glabrous, 1-veined. Labellum ‘Y’ shaped, 3.5-5.5 mm long; hypochile saccate, creamy white with yellowish tinge and with 1 oblong-conical appendage on either side; mesochile 1-1.5×0.8- 1 mm, oblong, creamy white, sometimes with yellowish tinge, margins incurved; epichile 2-lobed, lobules oblong, 2.8-3.5×1.8-2.2mm, creamy white to pale yellowish-white, reflexed (acquired specific epithet – ‘reflexa’, based on the reflexed epichile-lobules), diverging, forming an acute angle to the axis of the labellum, with a minute apiculus at apex of sinus. Column c. 2 mm long, with 2 obliquely oblong wings just below the rostellum. Rostellum c. 1 mm long, bifid, projecting, subacute to obtuse at apex. Stigma 2-lobed, elliptic, well separated, lateral. Anther c. 2.6 × 1.8 mm. Pollinarium c. 2 mm long; pollinia 2, c. 1.2 mm long, obovate to obclavate, sectile, bifid; caudicles c. 0.3 mm long; tegula c. 0.7 mm long, linear- spathulate, semi-transparent; viscidium c. 0.5×0.3 mm, oblong-elliptic, covering the tegula. Ovary sessile, 4-9 × 2-4 mm, terete to elliptic-fusiform, green, pubescent.
China Southeast, East Himalaya, Nepal, Thailand.
At elevations around 1000 to 1300 m as a small sized, warm growing terrestrial.
Flowering times:
Blooms in the spring.
Flower size:
5.0 mm.
Type Information:
Mungphoo, 3500 ft, April 1895, Pantling 361 [lectotype, CAL! (Barcode CAL0000000604), designated by Bhattacharjee et al. (2011); isolectotypes: CAL!; BM, photo!; K, photo!].
Kumar, Anant & Bhattacharjee, Avishek & Venu, P. & Rao, Y.V.. (2013). Zeuxine reflexa King & Pantl.– a report on its occurrence and conservation status in India. Richardiana. 13. 283 – 294.
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