Luisia appressifolia

Luisia appressifolia Aver., Lindleyana 15(2): 79 (2000) (2000).

Luisia appressifolia
Luisia appressifolia Aver., Photo by  Chu Xuan Canh

its native range is China (S. Yunnan) to Vietnam.

Latin Name: 

Luisia appressifolia Aver.


Orchidaceae Juss.


No synonyms are recorded for this name.

Vietnamese  name:

Lan san hô, Lan cành giao..

English Name:


Epiphytic herb,stem erect,usually branched, ca. 16 cm long,ca. 2.8 mm diameter,inter- nodes ca. 1.0 cm. Leave terete,clasped,5.6 - 7.7 cm × 2.1 - 2.4 mm,acute. Inflorescences borne from basal part of stem,green yellow with dense spots,ca. 5 mm length,1-flowered; floral bracts broadly ovate,green yellow on adaxial surface and red on abaxial surface,ca. 3 mm length. Flowers fleshy, sepals greenish yellow with purple stripes, especially on abaxial surface; petals golden yellow,tinged with purple stripe on middle of abaxial surface,lip golden yellow, with densely brown spots on adaxial surface,anther cap pale yellow; pedicle and ovary 8 - 10 mm. Dorsal sepal ovate-oblong,8.5 - 9.0 mm × 5.0 - 5.5 mm,obtuse; lateral sepals similar to dorsal sepal,but slightly longer and wider than dorsal sepal,acute,dorsally carinate- winged, becoming winged at apex. Petals ellipse,11.5 - 12.2 mm × 6.0 - 6.5 mm, obtuse; lip 10 - 15 mm,thickly fleshy,without distinct boundary between epichile and hypo- chile; hypochile slightly concave,base with sub- rectangular lateral lobes ca. 1.5 mm; epichile oblong,7.5 - 8.0 mm × 6.5 - 7.0 mm,adaxially with fleshy longitudinal ridge, emarginated at apex. Column ca. 3.0 mm, rostellum large,bilobed; pollinia globose,porate,ca. ( 2.0 × 1.0) mm; stripe ovate,ca. ( 1.8 × 1.2) mm; viscidium transversely oblong,large,ca. 2.0 mm wide; anther cap subglobose,ca. ( 2.5 × 2.7) mm,apex narrowed into beak. Flowering from A p r i l -M a y .


China South-Central, Vietnam (Đồng Văn, Quản Ba, Hà giang, Na Rì, Bắc Kạn).


Epiphytic on trunks at altitudes from 1450 to 1600 m in limestone forests in southeast Yunnan,China,which are mainly composed of Quercus marlipoensis ( Fagaceae),Q. utilis ( Fa- gaceae) ,Platycarya strobilacea ( Juglandace- ae),Manglie tiagrandis ( Magnoliaceae),Erio- botrya japonica ( Rosaceae),Podocarpus mac- rophyllus ( Podocarpaceae),Bulbophyllum insul- sum ( Orchidaceae),Paphiopedilum malipoense ( Orchidaceae ), and Habenaria fordii ( Orchi- daceae) .

Flowering times:

Blooms in late spring, early summer.

Flower size:

1.0 cm.


Type Information

Collector Team:

P.K. Loc; P.H. Hoang; L. Averyanov CBL 1802


Ha Giang Prov., Dong Van Distr., Ho Quang Phin Municipality, vicinities of Ta Xa village, 14-16km to SSW of Dong Van town, 23 16 N, 105 22 E, 1550-1600m

Collection Date:

28 Apr 1999

Type Herbaria:

holotype Herbarium, V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute

isotype Herbarium Jutlandicum, University of Aarhus

isotype HN

isotype Herbarium, Missouri Botanical Garden

isotype Museum national d'Histoire naturelle

Distribution Of Types:



Feng, Wu & Yong, Luo & Kumar, Pankaj & Liu, Qiang. (2019). Wu, X.F., Y. Luo, P. Kumar & Q. Liu. 2019. New record and additional notes on Luisia appressifolia (Orchidaceae) in China. Plant Science Journal 37 (1): 18–21..

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