Impatiens morsei

"Impatiens morsei Hook.f. is a species of flowering plant in the family Balsaminaceae. It is endemic to China and  VietNam, where it only occurs in Guangxi and  VietNam" 

Impatiens morsei Hook.f., Hooker's Icon. Pl. 29: t. 2874 (1908).

Impatiens morsei
Impatiens morsei
Impatiens morsei
Impatiens morsei
Impatiens morsei
Impatiens morsei Hook.f., Photo by Hoang  Thanh Son

 its native range is China (Guangxi).

Latin name:

Impatiens morsei Hook.f.


Balsaminaceae A.Rich.


No synonyms are recorded for this name.

Vietnamese name:

Móc  tai morsei. 

Chinese name:

龙州凤仙花 long zhou feng xian hua


Plants annual, 20-80 cm tall, glabrous. Stem erect, purple-tinged, robust, succulent, simple or branched, long naked in lower part. Leaves alternate, crowded apically; petiole 2-4 cm, stout; leaf blade greenish abaxially, dark green adaxially, ovate, elliptic, or ovate-oblong, 6-12 × 4-6 cm, with 2 globose basal glands, glabrous, lateral veins 9-12 pairs, base cuneate or acuminate, margin serrulate or crenulate, teeth mucronulate, apex acute. Peduncles absent. Pedicels 3-5 cm, without bracts, elongate after anthesis. Flowers solitary in upper leaf axils, white, pink, or purple, inside orange, red spotted, 2-3 cm. Lateral sepals 2, green, obliquely orbicular, 1-1.5 cm, thick, many veined, midvein conspicuous, apex mucronulate. Lower sepal navicular or funnelform, ca. 1.5 cm deep, abruptly constricted into an incurved spur shorter than limb; mouth vertical, ca. 1.2 cm wide. Upper petal orbicular, 1-1.5 cm wide, apex deeply retuse, abaxial midvein thickened; lateral united petals clawed, 2-lobed; basal lobes falcate-flabellate; distal lobes oblong, connate into 2-lobed lamella; auricle inconspicuous. Filaments linear, flattened; anthers obtuse. Ovary fusiform. Capsule ellipsoid, ca. 1.2 cm long, glabrous. Seeds up to 10-12, rounded, 2-4 mm long.

Fruit and Flowering:

Bloms  in  spring, summer and fall


Vietnam (Tuyen Quang), China (Gangxi).


Primary and secondary board-leaved evergreen sub-mountain forest on very steep rocky of Na Hang Nature Reserve; 200 - 500 m alt.

Chemical and Pharmacology:



Type Information:

Morse, H.B. [304], China K000199717 Unknown type material


Hoang Thanh Son, Trinh Ngoc Bon, Nguyen Quang Hung, Pham Van Vinh and Cao Van Lang, 2016. Impatiens morsei (Balsaminaceae): A newly recorded from Vietnam. Science Research Reporter, 6(1):01- 03.

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