Dendrobium macrostachyum

"Dendrobium macrostachyum Lindl., commonly known as the fringed tree orchid, is a species of epiphytic orchid with long, narrow pseudobulbs that lose their leaves as they mature, and up to three whitish to lime green flowers with a hairy labellum. It is native to Australia, tropical Asia and eastern Malesia" 

Dendrobium macrostachyum Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 78 (1830).

Dendrobium macrostachyum
Dendrobium macrostachyum
Dendrobium macrostachyum Lindl.,  Photo by Nguyễn Văn Cảnh

its native range is Tropical Asia to N. Queensland.

Latin Name: 

Dendrobium macrostachyum Lindl.


Orchidaceae Juss.


Callista macrostachya (Lindl.) Kuntze

Callista stuartii (F.M.Bailey) Kuntze

Callista tetrodon (Rchb.f. ex Lindl.) Kuntze

Dendrobium gamblei King & Pantl.

Dendrobium stuartii F.M.Bailey

Dendrobium tetrodon Rchb.f. ex Lindl.

Dendrobium viridicatum Ridl.

Dendrobium whiteanum T.E.Hunt

Vietnamese  name:

Mật khẩu đầu bò, Miệng kín cong.

English Name:

The Large Inflorescence Dendrobium.


With thin pendulous stems carrying many, thin, ovate-oblong to ovate-lanceolate, deciduous, acute leaves that blooms in the late spring on a short, arising on the nodes of leafless stems after the leaves have dropped, 2 to 3 flowered inflorescence.


Andaman Is., Bangladesh, Borneo, India, Jawa, Lesser Sunda Is., Malaya, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicobar Is., Queensland, Sri Lanka, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Thailand, Vietnam, West Himalaya.


Often on orchard trees in open lowlands at elevations around 1200 m as a small to medium sized, hot to cool growing epiphyte.

Flowering times:

Blooms in the late spring.

Flower size:

3.3 mm.


Plant requires warm temperatures and medium amounts of light. Keep plant moist and fertilize during growth season. During fall reduce watering as winter approaches. During winter withold watering until new shoots appear but do not allow plant to dry out. Grow in a well drain mix of sphagnum moss or medium fir bark. Plant can be mounted



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