Catasetum fimbriatum

"Catasetum fimbriatum Lindl. & Paxton, the fringed catatsetum, is a member of the orchid family of flowering plants and lives in a warm tropical environment. This plant uses a fascinating strategy to spread its pollen to other flowers via insects, primarily bees. When a pollinator lands on male flowers of C. fimbriatum and stimulates them, pollen is planted onto the back of the pollinator. This assures their gametes will be spread to other flowers the bee visits of the same species."

Catasetum fimbriatum Lindl. & Paxton, Paxton's Fl. Gard. i. (1850-51) 124.

Catasetum fimbriatum
Catasetum fimbriatum
Catasetum fimbriatum
Catasetum fimbriatum Lindl. & Paxton, Photo by Saiful Anuar Abdul Aziz

its native range is S. Tropical America.

Latin Name: 

Catasetum fimbriatum Lindl. & Paxton


Orchidaceae Juss.


Catasetum cogniauxii L.Linden

Catasetum fimbriatum var. aurantiacum Porsch

Catasetum fimbriatum var. brevipetalum Porsch

Catasetum fimbriatum var. fissum Rchb.f.

Catasetum fimbriatum var. inconstans (Hoehne) Mansf.

Catasetum fimbriatum var. micranthum Porsch

Catasetum fimbriatum var. morrenianum Mansf.

Catasetum fimbriatum var. ornithorrhynchum (Porsch) Mansf.

Catasetum fimbriatum var. platypterum Rchb.f.

Catasetum fimbriatum var. subtropicale Hauman

Catasetum fimbriatum var. viridulum Rchb.f.

Catasetum inconstans Hoehne

Catasetum ornithorrhynchum Porsch

Catasetum pflanzii Schltr.

Catasetum wredeanum Schltr.

Myanthus fimbriatus C.Morren

English Name:

The Fringed Catasetum.


With conical-fusiform, several-noded pseudobulbs subtended by several leaf bearing sheaths carrying several, oblong-ligulate, submembraneous, acute leaves that blooms in the late spring and summer on a basal, pendant, 45 cm long, racemose inflorescence arising on a mature pseudobulb and has many (7 to 15) loosely arranged, fleshy, very spicily fragrant flowers.


Argentina Northeast, Argentina Northwest, Bolivia, Brazil South, Brazil Southeast, Brazil West-Central, Paraguay, Venezuela.


In dry lowland regions on trunks of palm trees at altitudes of 400 to 500 m as a large sized, hot to warm growing epiphyte.

Flowering times:

Blooms in the late spring and summer.

Flower size:

3.8 cm.


Grow in warm conditions with partially bright light. Water regularly during growing season and when plants drop leaves during dormancy reduce watering. During dormancy only water about twice a month to keep pseudobulbs from shriveling. Resume watering normally when new growths occur in spring. Plants can die easily from over watering. Plants are usually grown in bark with perlite, cork, full sphagnum moss, and tree fern.

Type Information:


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