Bulbophyllum salmoneum Aver. & J.J.Verm., Taiwania 57(2): 128 (2012).
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Bulbophyllum salmoneum Aver. & J.J.Verm., Photo by Bun Anhbun Phan |
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Bulbophyllum salmoneum Aver. & J.J.Verm., Photo by Magnetic Kla Field |
its native range is Vietnam.
Latin Name:
Bulbophyllum salmoneum Aver. & J.J.Verm.
Orchidaceae Juss.
No synonyms are recorded for this name.
Vietnamese name:
Lọng cá hồi, lọng hồng camm.
English Name:
Species name reflects salmon color of lateral sepals.
Epiphyte with creeping rhizome to 0.5 m long. Rhizome rigid, woody, dull brown, 1.5-2.5 mm in diam., with numerous flexuose wiry, thin roots at nodes, internodes naked (0.5) 1-1.5 (2) cm long. Pseudobulbs distant, 2-4 cm apart, erect, narrowly ovoid to almost cylindric, (1.5) 2-3 (3.5) cm tall, 0.5-1 (1.4) cm thick, green to yellow-green, young smooth, glossy, older longitudinally wrinkled, at the base often enveloped with dark gray to gray-whitish papyraceous, partially disintegrated sheath as long as pseudobulb or shorter. Leaves erect, shortly petiolate; petiole 2-5 mm long; leaf blade leathery, oblong to narrowly elliptic, obtuse, 5-8 (10) cm long, 1.5-2 (2.4) cm wide, uniformly brightly green. Inflorescence umbel; scape arising from base of pseudobulb, green to yellowish-green, erect, slender, 8-12 (15) cm long, with 2-3 loose, ovate, yellowish-green sterile bracts at the base; rachis shortened, 2-4 mm long, with (4) 5-8 (12) all faced, pendulous flowers. Floral bracts cuneate, acuminate, yellowish-green to scarious, 5-6 mm long, 1-2 mm wide. Pedicel and ovary yellow-green, 5-7 (10) mm long, about 1 mm in diam. Flowers odorless, drooping. Dorsal sepal white, occasionally with greenish tint, narrowly ovate, acute, concave, 7-8 mm long, 3-3.5 mm wide, forward directed. Lateral sepals orange to pink-orange (rarely light yellow-orange), drooping, narrowly ovate to obliquely elliptic, smooth, 2.5-3 cm long, 7-9 mm wide, at base adnate to column foot and twisted above it, their upper (abaxial) edges connate to each other forming concave or almost flat synsepalum notched at apex (commonly “inflated” synsepala of all flowers in inflorescence drooping and connivent each other giving characteristic superficial appearance of large single “flower” resembling Chinese lantern). Petals white with greenish tint, oblong spatulate, slightly curved, broadening from narrow base, 3.5-4 mm long, 2-2.5 mm wide, rounded at apex, irregularly denticulate along margin. Lip pink-red to red, strongly recurved, narrowly ovate, smooth to shallowly grooved, 2-2.5 mm long, gradually narrowed to indistinctly obtuse apex, at base attached to end of column foot by a mobile articulation, margin slightly decurved. Column stout, 1.5 mm tall and broad, with 2 insignificant narrow lateral wings; column foot curved, with free part about 1 mm long; stelidia triangular, obtuse, erect, about 0.5 mm tall; anther cap red, hemispheric, finely papillose, with straight margin. Pollinia 4, in two pairs, each composed with 2 unequal hemispherical body lacking caudicle, stipe and viscidia. Fruits unknown
Vietnam (Quảng Bình).
Bark and trunk creeping epiphyte growing in canopies of old tall trees. Primary evergreen broad-leaved humid submontane forests on rocky, highly eroded, solid crystalline karstic limestone at elevations 400-800 m a.s.l. Fl.: July - August. Locally very common (LR).
Flowering times:
Blooms in the summer.
Flower size:
3.0 cm.
They like to stay moist, and most of them like warm temperatures. We grow ours in intermediate (winter) to hot (summer) conditions. Similarly, they grow well in intermediate light although they can tolerate low light conditions, too (you will see fewer flowers). I have found increased success since growing mine in a closed tray with a little water standing in the bottom for those in pots. For plants in baskets, water frequently and from all sides. Bulbos enjoy regular fertilizer (I use a slow release and occasional additional fertilizer by spray), and may be potted in bark, moss, or a combination of the two. Because they have short roots, baskets or shallow pots work best for these guys.
Type Information:
Collector Team:
N.T.Hiep, L.Averyanov, N.S.Khang, N.Q.Vinh CPC 3657
Quang Binh prov., Minh Hoa distr., Thuong Hoa municipality, environs of Mo village, 400-500 m
Collection Date:
23 Jul 2011
Type Herbaria:
holotype CPC Herbarium
isotype LE
17° 39' N
105° 54' E
Distribution Of Types:
Vietnam (Indo-China, Asia-Tropical)
(“23 July 2011. N.T. Hiep, L. Averyanov, N.S. Khang, N.Q. Vinh, CPC 3657”) - CPC Herbarium (holotype), LE (isotype).
Central Vietnam, Quang Binh prov., Minh Hoa distr., Thuong Hoa municipality, environs of Mo O O O village, around point 17°39’36.7”N 105°54’55.7”E, 26 July 2011. N.T. Hiep, L. Averyanov, N.S. Khang, N.Q. Vinh, CPC 3803 (CPC Herbarium); Central Vietnam, Quang Binh prov., Minh Hoa distr., Thuong Hoa municipality, environs of Mo O O O village, around point 17°39’21.1”N 105°54’41.7”E, 28 July 2011. N.T. Hiep, L. Averyanov, N.S. Khang, N.Q. Vinh, CPC 3854 (CPC Herbarium); Central Vietnam, Quang Binh prov., Minh Hoa distr., Thuong Hoa municipality, environs of Mo O O O village, around point 17°40’03.6”N 105°55’08.5”E, 29 July 2011. N.T. Hiep, L. Averyanov, N.S. Khang, N.Q. Vinh, CPC 3919 (CPC Herbarium); Central Vietnam, Quang Binh prov., Minh Hoa distr., Thuong Hoa municipality, around point 17°41’14.3”N 105°53’28.9”E, 6 August 2011, N.T. Hiep, L. Averyanov, N.S. Khang, N.Q. Vinh et al., CPC 4104 (CPC Herbarium).
Averyanov, L.V.. (2012). New Orchid Taxa and Records in the Flora of Vietnam. Taiwania. 57. 10.6165/tai.2012.57(2).127.
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