Aspasia variegata

"Aspasia variegata Lindl. is a species of orchid widespread across much of northern South America as well as Trinidad and the Amazonian region. It also occurs at elevations from 200–1,300 m in Bolivia." 

Aspasia variegata Lindl., Edwards's Bot. Reg. 22: t. 1907 (1836).

Aspasia variegata
Aspasia variegata
Aspasia variegata Lindl., Photo by Lutchman Jaisarie

its native range is Trinidad to S. Tropical America.

Latin Name: 

Aspasia variegata Lindl.


Orchidaceae Juss.


Odontoglossum variegatum (Lindl.) Rchb.f.

English Name:

The Variegated Aspasia.


With a creeping, slender, bracteate rhizome and laterally strongly flattened, ellipsoid to oblong, glossy light green pseudobulbs that become lightly sulcate with age, subtended by 2 to 3 leaf bearing sheaths and carrying one or two, apical, glabrous, subcoriaceous, lanceolate to ligulate, acute, basally conduplicate and articulate leaves, blooming in the spring and summer on an ascending, few to several flowered, to 25 cm long, racemose inflorescence that gives rise to a few, successively opening, fragrant flowers This terrestrial orchid grows in hot temperatures with high humidity and moderate shade. After flowering a short 1 to 2 month rest is beneficial, resume watering and fertilizer with the onset of new growth and flowers best if given very cramped quarters in a small pot.


Bolivia, Brazil North, Brazil Northeast, Brazil Southeast, Brazil West-Central, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad-Tobago, Venezuela.


In moist forests at elevations of 200 m as a small sized, hot growing epiphyte.

Flowering times:

Blooms in the spring and summer .

Flower size:

4.5 cm.


Aspasia species tent to be subject to spots on their thin leaves generally caused by fungi proliferation. They should never be exposed to full sunlight. Grow plants in intermediate to warm temperatures in partial shade to bright light. Water plant when mix drys. During the winter give plants a slight dryout between waterings. Water approximately once a week. Pot with medium fir bark.

Type Information:

Distribution Of Types: South America

Schomburgk, R.H. [425], Guyana K000718354 Unknown type material


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