Vanda mindanaoensis

Vanda mindanaoensis Motes, L.M.Gardiner & D.L.Roberts, Orchid Digest 79(2): 100 (2015).

Vanda mindanaoensis
Vanda mindanaoensis Motes, Photo by Nelson T. Geraldino

its native range is Philippines (Mindanao).

Latin Name: 

Vanda mindanaoensis Motes.


Orchidaceae Juss.


No synonyms are recorded for this name.

English Name:

The Mindanao Vanda (An Isand within the Philippine Archipelago).


Named after the island on which it was discovered (Mindanao).


Epiphyte, 25-100 cm tall, 25-35 cm wide. Leaves glabrous, waxy, sessile, distichous, lin- ear, 12-17 x 2.5-3.0 cm, apex praemorse. Inflorescence an axillary, cylindrical raceme, loosely 6-10 flowered, 15-18 cm. Flower pale yellow, overlaid with red-brown tessellation and spots, 5.4-5.6 cm vertically, 5.9-6.2 cm horizontally. Dorsal sepal hooded, narrowly spathu- late, yellow, tessellated red brown distally, spotted red brown basally, margins clear yellow, 2.8 x 1.7 cm. Lat- eral sepals yellow, heavily overlaid with red brown tessellations, margins clear yellow, 2.9x 2.0 cm. Petals clawed, spatulate, obtuse, entire, yellow, tessellated and spotted with red-brown, margins clear yellow, 2.9 x 1.7 cm. Labellum white marked with red, three lobed. Midlobe white, striped with red, straight, narrow, thick, 2.0 x 1.1 cm, with two white calli at apex, adorned with white, forwardly recurved, hirsute lobules. Sidelobes trapezoid, blunt, white exteriorly, red interiorly, 1.2 x 1.1 cm. Spur cylindrical, slightly flattened, 0.9 cm long. Column white, shaded red-brown at base, cylindrical, beaked. Anther cap white, 1.1 x 0.9 cm. Pollinia two, spherical stiped.


Philippines. Reported from southern Mindanao, sea level to 500m (Cootes 2011).


At elevations of sea level to 500 m as a small to giant sized, hot growing epiphyte.

Flowering times:

Blooms in the summer.

Flower size:

2.2 cm.



Collector Team:

Motes 2

Collection Date:

May 2012

Type Herbaria:

holotype FTG

Distribution Of Types:

Philippines (Malesia, Asia-Tropical)

Type Remarks:


Motes, L. M. Gardiner & D. L. Roberts sp. nov. Type: Motes 2, cult., May 2012 (ho- lotype FTG!)






- Motes, Martin & Gardiner, Lauren & Roberts, David. (2015). Vanda section Dactylolobatae: a summary, two new species, and a key to identification. Orchid Digest. 98-104. 

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