Thrixspermum clavatum

Thrixspermum clavatum (J.Koenig) Garay, Bot. Mus. Leafl. 23(4): 207 (1972).

Thrixspermum clavatum (J.Koenig) Garay,
Thrixspermum clavatum (J.Koenig) Garay, Photo by Alfred Ng 

its native range is India, Indo-China to W. Malesia.

Latin Name: 

Thrixspermum clavatum (J.Koenig) Garay


Orchidaceae Juss.


Dendrocolla maculata Ridl.

Epidendrum clavatum J.Koenig

Gastrochilus clavatus (J.Koenig) Kuntze

Limodorum clavatum (J.Koenig) Willd.

Saccolabium clavatum (J.Koenig) Lindl.

Thrixspermum ciliatum Schltr.

Thrixspermum infractum Schltr.

Thrixspermum ridleyanum Schltr.

Thrixspermum rubrocallosum Carr

English Name:

The Club-Shaped Thrixspermum.


With a somewhat flattened, green, angular, fleshy stem with 6 to 8 cm long internodes and has leaves reduced to small triangular, green scales that blooms in the late spring, summer and fall with clusters of 3 to 4 flowers on a very short inflorescence.


Borneo, India, Laos, Malaya, Sumatera, Thailand.


In mixed lowland forests at elevations of sea level to 400 meters as a small sized, hot growing epiphyte.

Flowering times:

Blooms in the late spring, summer and fall.

Flower size:

2.5 cm.


Plants are best grown hanged in baskets and on mounted and require moderate shade and cool to warm temperatures. Plants should be grown in media that is well drained such as tree fern fibers (for small plants), several pieces of coarse fir bark, or sphagnum moss. Plants require high humidity. Plants should be dried out between waterings. During growing season in the summer increase watering frequency and reduce watering during the winter during rest periods. If the plants are mounted the roots must be watered regularly.


Carr, C.E. [53], Malaysia Thrixspermum rubrocallosum K000891300 syntype

Carr, C.E. [K62], Malaysia Thrixspermum ridleyanum 8465.000 Co-Type






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