Sarcochilus falcatus

"Sarcochilus falcatus R.Br. is found throughout eastern Australia, from eastern Victoria (Far east Gippsland) and New South Wales, up through to Cape York Peninsula and Mt. Finnigan in Queensland. It is found among the rain forests around 800 and up to 1100 meters of altitude. They grow in areas that are constantly humid, near gorges and at the top of the tree crests, where the wind and the updraft currents of clouds, mists and drizzles are a constant"

Sarcochilus falcatus R.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. 332. (1810).

Sarcochilus falcatus
Sarcochilus falcatus
Sarcochilus falcatus R.Br. Photo by Gerrit Verhellen 

its native range is Queensland to Victoria.

Latin Name: 

Sarcochilus falcatus R.Br. 


Orchidaceae Juss.


Sarcochilus falcatus var. montanus (Fitzg.) C.Moore

Sarcochilus montanus Fitzg.

Sarcochilus niveus D.L.Jones & D.P.Banks

Thrixspermum falcatum (R.Br.) Rchb.f.

English Name:

The Sickle-Shaped Sarcochilus.

Australia name:

The Orange Blossom Orchid 


It has semi-pendulous stems carrying 3 to 8, oblong-falcate, fleshy, olive green, usually curved, finely toothed margins leaves and blooms on an axillary, pendant, to 22 cm long, racemose, several flowered inflorescence with successive opening, very fragrant (orange blossoms) flowers occuring in winter and spring and should be kept moist year round.


New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria.


A miniature sized, vandanaceous, cool to hot growing species endemic at elevations of 100 to 1400 m on exposed slopes and ridges, that can be epiphytic or lithophytic in growth habit and is found in moist well shaded gullies on small bushes or on trees in humid wet forests.

Flowering times:

Bloome in winter and spring.

Flower size:

3.5 cm


Plants grow in cool to warm conditions with moderate lighting. Pot plants in a well drain mix with open drainage such as medium fir bark with pumice or coarce perlite. Water regularly and keep the mix a bit moist but not damp. Plants will need to be watered more often during the summer as temperatures become more warm and less water as the temperatures cool in the winter. Wrinkled leaves indicate lack of watering. Plants like high humidity.


Brown, R. [5505], Australia K000628054 Unknown type material





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