Lepanthes dunstervilleorum

Lepanthes dunstervilleorum Foldats, Acta Bot. Venez. 3: 333, fig. 9 (1968).

Lepanthes dunstervilleorum
Lepanthes dunstervilleorum Foldats, Photo by Carlos Augusto Mesa Londoño

its native range is NW. Venezuela to Ecuador.

Latinh Name: 

Lepanthes dunstervilleorum Foldats


Orchidaceae Juss.


Lepanthes hispida Luer & R.Escobar

English Name:

Dunsterville's Lepanthes (American Orchid Collector and enthusiast Venezuela later 1900's).


With erect ramicals enveloped by several lepanthiform sheaths and carrying a single, apical, erect, coriaceous, ovate, apically bilobed, 3, nerved, dark green above, blue green below leaf that blooms in the spring on a successively few flowered inflorescence that arises on the back of the leaf.


Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela.


At elevations of 2600 to 3200 m as a miniature sized, cold growing epiphyte.

Flowering times:

Blooms in the spring.

Flower size:

7.0 mm.


Keep plant in partial shade. Plant can be grown in cool to intermediate conditions. Pot the plant in fine bark with perlite or sphagnum moss. Water regularly and keep potting media moist.


Type Information: Distribution Of Types: Venezuela (Northern South America, Southern America)

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