Laelia aurea

Laelia aurea A.V.Navarro, Orquidea (Mexico City) 12: 42 (-43), figs (1990).

Laelia aurea
Laelia aurea A.V.Navarro, Photo by Lourens Grobler

its native range is Mexico (Durango, Sinaloa, Nayarit). 

Latin Name: 

Laelia aurea A.V.Navarro 


Orchidaceae Juss.


Encabarcenia aurea (A.V.Navarro) Archila & Szlach.

Laelia rubescens var. aurea (A.V.Navarro) M.Wolff & O.Gruss

Schomburgkia aurea (A.V.Navarro) Peraza & Carnevali

English Name:

The Golden Laelia.


With clustereed, reclining, partially one above the other, one internode, compressed, sub-orbicular, ovate to elliptic, green often suffused with purple, smooth becoming rugose with age pseudobulbs carrying a single, apical, articulate, coriaceous, rigid, oblong-elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, lightly carinate dorsally, the apex bilobed with a small central mucro, basally conduplicate leaf that blooms in the fall on a terminal, racemose, pedunculate, to 30 cm long, slightly compressed, basally with 2 conduplicate, imbricate bracts, 6 to 9 noded above, each node enveloped by a tubular, acute, appressed bract, 10 to 40 cm long overall, rachis compact, sub-umbelliform, successively 4 to 16 flowered inflorescence with extended, triangular ovate, obtuse to infrequently acute to acuminate, lightly concave, scarious floral bracts and carrying eventually simultaneous, resupinate, fragrant flowers.


Mexico Northeast, Mexico Northwest, Mexico Southwest.


At elevations around 200 meters as a small to medium sized, hot growing epiphyte.

Flowering times:

Bloome in the fall.

Flower size:

5.0 mm


Plants should be grown in medium fir bark with partial to full sun. Plant is warm growing orchid species. Water approximately once a week. Plant can also be mounted. Note that in nature this plant is a lithophyte that grows in partial-full sun.  Only if you have great ventillation should you grow in direct sun. Perhaps reduce water during cool dry season.


Type Information

Collector Team:

E.Hágsater 4050

Type Herbaria:

holotype AMO

Distribution Of Types:

Nayarit (Mexico, Northern America)

Type Specimen Note:


Apr 24, 1990 Hágsater [4050], Nayarit K000584024 isotype







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