Gongora aceras Dressler

Gongora aceras Dressler is a species of orchid found in Colombia and western Ecuador.

Gongora aceras Dressler, Orquideologia 6(2): 71 (1971).

Gongora aceras
Gongora aceras
Gongora aceras
Gongora aceras Dressler, Photo by Mi Bo

 its native range is Colombia to Ecuador.

Latin Name: 

Gongora aceras Dressler


Orchidaceae Juss.


Gongora colombiana Jenny

Gongora napoensis Jenny

English Name:

The Hornless Gongora.


With swollen, longitudinally ribbed pseudobulbs carrying 2 apical, broad, thin, plicate, conduplicate below into the petiolate base leaves and blooms in the summer and fall on a basal, pendant, 15 cm long, few flowered inflorescence carrying fragrant flowers.


Colombia, Ecuador.


In extremely wet montane forests at elevations of 200 to 1000 m as a small sized, hot to warm growing epiphyte.

Flowering times:

Bloome in the summer and fall.

Flower size:

3.8 cm


Plants are usually grown in wooden baskets in partial shade. Use a well drain potting media such as medium fir bark with perlite, tree fern fibers, or sphagnum moss. Keep area humid and grow in warm temperatures. Keep mix moist but not dry.



- theplantlist.org

- https://www.ipni.org/n/635992-1

- http://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:635992-1

-  http://www.orchidspecies.com/gonaceras.htm. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gongora_aceras

- https://orchids.fandom.com/wiki/Gongora_aceras

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