Dendrolirium ornatum

"Dendrolirium ornatum Blume is a species of orchid. It is native to Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines"

Dendrolirium ornatum Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. 7: 345 (1825).

Dendrolirium ornatum
Dendrolirium ornatum Blume, Photo by Xavier Babatid

its native range is Thailand to Malesia.

Latin Name: 

Dendrolirium ornatum Blume,


Orchidaceae Juss.


Eria armeniaca Lindl.

Eria ornata (Blume) Lindl.

Pinalia ornata (Blume) Kuntze

Trias ornata (Blume) Mason

English Name:

The Ornate Eria.


With dark brown, stiff, woody roots arising from laterally compressed, cylindrical pseudobulbs each separated by 15 cm and enveloped by basal sheaths carrying 3 to 5 fleshy, elliptic-lanceolate to oblong, acute, narrowing basally into an open channelled petiolate base leaves with the uppermost two being more persistent that blooms in the spring and summer on a ascending or arching, 45 cm long, several to many flowered racemose inflorescence that has brown hairs and large ovate-lanceolate, orange to red brown bracts and carrying flowers that have a fragrance of vanilla and do not open well.


Borneo, Jawa, Malaya, Philippines, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Thailand.


A small to medium sized, hot to cool growing epiphyte that is a rare species in lower montane forests on limestone hills at elevations of 300 to 1500 m.

Flowering times:

Blooms in the spring and summer.

Flower size:

2.5 cm.


Grow in diffused bright light and keep in cool to intermediate temperatures. Keep humidity from 40 to 70%. Water regularly during growing season. The potting media should be a little moist in between waterings. To prevent rot, avoid water from touching leaves. Reduce watering during the winter. Pot plants in 75% fine bark and 25% perlite or in full sphagnum moss.








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