Cryptostylis arachnites (Blume) Hassk.

Cryptostylis arachnites (Blume) Hassk. 1859

Cryptostylis arachnites
Cryptostylis arachnites
Cryptostylis arachnites (Blume) Hassk. Photo by Trương Phước Hân

Cryptostylis arachnites (Blume) Hassk.1859, Blume, Coll. Orchid.: 133: Seidenf., 1992, Opera Bot. 114: 26: P. H. Ho, 1993, 111. Fl. Vietnam 3, 2: 974, f. 9861: Aver., 1994, Ident. Guide Vietnam. Orch.: 30; Aver. & Averyanova, 2003, Updated Checkl. Orch. Vietnam: 24: Soejarto et ah, 2004, Seed plants CPNP: 449.


Zosterostylis arachnites Blume, 1825, Bijdr.: 19, t. 32. 

Studied collections. 

14 July 1966, CP NP 5031 .


Terrestrial herb with 1—3 radical leaves and thick spreading roots. Leaves petiolate; petiole 5—12 cm long; leaf blade elliptic, 8—15 by 4—7 cm, with more or less distinct network of darker veins. Inflorescence erect, leafless, 15—35 cm high, with few insignificant bracts, manv-flowered. Floral bracts narrow, cuneate, to 1.2 cm long, a little shorter than ovaiy. Flowers not resupinate, widely opening, 2—2.5 cm across, pale olive-greenish to dull purple, lip with purple to deep purple spots toward the acute apex. Sepals and petals linear, acute, straight, with inrolled edges; sepals 1.4—1.6 cm long, petals about half that length. Lip erect, oblong, 1.5—2 by 0.5—0.7 cm, concave at the base, flat and narrowed above. Column very short, yellow. 

Flowering time. 


Geographic range. India, Sri Lanka, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Malacca Peninsula, Indonesia to islands of west Pacific.


A widespread, common species, which can survive in more or less open secondary plant communities.


Leonid V. Averyanov, Nguyen Tien Hiep, Phan Ke Loc, The orchids Of Cuc Phuong National Park Illustrated guide, ISBN: 9781626751514

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