Begonia rubrosetosa

Begonia rubrosetosa Aver., Turczaninowia 15(2): 20 (2012).

Begonia rubrosetosa Aver.,
Begonia rubrosetosa Aver.,
Begonia rubrosetosa Aver.,
Begonia rubrosetosa Aver.,
Begonia rubrosetosa Aver.,
Begonia rubrosetosa Aver., Photo by Hoang Thanh Son

 its native range is Vietnam.

Latin name:

Begonia rubrosetosa Aver..


Begoniaceae C.Agardh.

Synonym Name: 

No synonyms are recorded for this name.

Vietnamese name:

Thu hải đường.


Species epithet refers character- istic purple setose hairiness of petioles, leaf margin, pedicels, floral bracts, tepals and ovary.


Terrestrial and lithophytic evergreen, regu- larly monoecious, herb 0.5–1(1.2) m tall with hardly developed rhizome. Stems erect, juicy, cylindric, 3–5 mm in diam., unbranching to few branching near base, green with purple tint to dark purple, leafy in apical half, with internodes (2)2.5–7(10) cm long. Stipules caducous to persistent, triangu- lar, with broad base and acute to acuminate apex, (5)8–12(15) mm long, (3)4–8(10) mm wide, light green to dull purple, later light brown. Leaves petio- late. Petioles cylindric, fleshy, straight, dark purple, (1)2–5(7) cm long, subglabrous at basal and middle part, densely hairy at apex with long dark purple hairs. Leaf blade strongly asymmetric, transversely narrowly ovate, oblique cordate at base, attenuate, (1.5)2–6(8) cm long, (6)10–18(22) cm wide, with palmate venation of 3–5 main branching veins, fleshy, very finely indistinctly denticulate and setose along margin, uniform green, below at base some- time with purple shading and purple veins. Inflo- rescence axillary, subterminal, erect, dichotomous, bracteate cyme (6)8–15(18) cm tall, arising from apical of stem; peduncle (1.5)2–6(8) cm long, longer than leaves, purple, bearing dichotomously branch- ing axes with cluster of numerous flowers; bracts at nodes, broadly ovate to almost orbicular, white to light pinkish, scarious, very early caducous, 6–10 mm long and 5–7 mm wide, sparsely hairy with pur- ple hairs outside. Flowers pedicellate, monosexual, tepals purple-red, pink or light pink toward margin; pedicels straight, 2-6(8) mm long, purple, glabrous to sparsely pubescent with long purple hairs; tepals outside with dense tuft of long cetaceous purple hairs. Staminate flowers zygomorphic, dichlamyd- eous, normally with 2 opposite broadly ovate to or- bicular sepals (5)6–8(9) mm across and 2 opposite narrowly obovate to obovate petals (3.5)4–5(7) mm long, 3–4(5) mm wide; stamens numerous, in dense capitulum, brightly yellow, arranged in numerous whorls on short conical stalk, filaments free, 0.6–1 mm long, anthers narrowly obovoid, about 0.6–0.8 mm long, retuse at apex. Pistillate flowers zygomor- phic, dichlamydeous, normally with 2 sepals and 3 petals; sepals subopposite, broadly obovate to al- most orbicular, 5–7 mm long, 4.5–6 mm wide; petals ovate to broadly ovate, as long as sepals, 3.5–4.5(6) mm wide; styles 3, brightly yellow, 1.5–2(2.5) mm tall, connate at the base, tripartite and inflate toward apex into turgid cristate, densely setose-papillose stigmas. Ovary inferior, composed of 3 carpels, pur- ple-pink to dark purple, sparsely setose with purple hairs, 3-angular, with prominent subequal wings along each edge; placentae axial bifid (?). Capsules dry, purple-brown, later light brownish, loculicid- al, nodding, 3-locular, ovoid, triangular in section, (4.5)5–7(8) mm long, (3.5)4–6(7) mm wide, with 3 subequal falcate-lunate roundish wings, to 2.5(3) mm tall. Seeds ovoid, numerous, very small.


Vietnam (Lowland sandstone and shale hill areas of central Vietnam in Thua Thien – Hue province (Nam Dong and Phu Loc districts). Local endemic).


Terrestrial and lithophytic herb, commonly on wet steep rocky slopes. Primary and secondary evergreen broad-leaved lowland forests on steep hill slopes composed with shale and sand- stone at elev. 100–400 m a.s.l. Locally common (VU).

Flower times:



Collector Team:

L.Averyanov, P.K.Loc, A.Averyanova, N.T.Vinh, N.D.Phuong, L.V.Hung HAL 10883


Thua Thien - Hue prov., Nam Dong distr., Thuong Lo municipality, along Cha Mang stream, 150 m

Collection Date:

4 Apr 2007

Type Herbaria:

holotype LE

isotype CPC Herbarium

isotype MO


16° 7' 35" N


107° 44' 53" E

Distribution Of Types:

Vietnam (Indo-China, Asia-Tropical)

(“4 Apr. 2007, L. Averyanov, P.K. Loc, A. Averyanova, N.T. Vinh, N.D. Phuong, L.V. Hung, HAL 10883”) – CPC Herbarium (isotype), LE (ho- lotype), MO (isotype). Digital epitype: d-EXSIC- CATES OF VIETNAMESE FLORA 0104/HAL 10883.



Averyanov, L.V. & Nguyen, H. (2012). Eleven new species of Begonia L. (Begoniaceae) from Laos and Vietnam. Turczaninowia. 15. 5-32. 

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