Tainia penangiana Hook.f.

 Tainia penangiana Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India [J. D. Hooker] 5(16): 820 (1890).

Tainia penangiana
Tainia penangiana
Tainia penangiana
Tainia penangiana Hook.f., Photo by Dinh Quang Diep

its native range is E. India to Taiwan and New Guinea.

Latinh Name: 

Tainia penangiana Hook.f.


Orchidaceae Juss.


Ania hookeriana (King & Pantl.) Tang & F.T.Wang ex Summerh.

Ania penangiana (Hook.f.) Summerh.

Ascotainia hookeriana (King & Pantl.) Ridl.

Ascotainia penangiana (Hook.f.) Ridl.

Ascotainia siamensis Rolfe ex Downie

Tainia hookeriana King & Pantl.

Tainia siamensis (Rolfe ex Downie) Seidenf. & Smitinand

Tainia taiwaniana S.S.Ying

English Name:

The Penang Tainia (State in Malaysia)

Chinese name:

Hua Dai Chun Lan - 绿花带唇兰.


With ovoid pseudobulbs and a single, plicate, elliptic, acute to acuminate leaf that has a long petiole and blooms on a basal, 75 cm long, glabrous, bracteate, racemose, 5 to 15 flowered inflorescence carrying a few well spaced, simultaneously opening, fragrant flowers that blooms in the winter.


Assam, Borneo, East Himalaya, Hainan, India, Jawa, Malaya, Maluku, Nepal, New Guinea, Sumatera, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam.


In tropical evergreen forests at elevations of 600 to 1400 m as a medium sized, warm to cool growing, deciduous-leafed terrestrial.

Flowering times:

Blooms in the winter.

Flower size:

2.0 cm.


Plants require shade and warm temperature requirements. Plants should be potted in a mix that retain some moisture such as gravel. Medium should be kept moist during growing season. Repotting should be done after flowering.


Malaysia: Malaya: Penang, A.C. Maingay 164 (holo. K000974259). Specimen: Tainan: Mt. Sanchiaonan 1000 m. Jun 19, 1975, Lin 390 (TAIF).

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