Sarcoglyphis potamophila

Sarcoglyphis potamophila (Schltr.) Garay & W.Kittr., Bot. Mus. Leafl. 30(3): (58) 192 (1986).

Sarcoglyphis potamophila
Sarcoglyphis potamophila
Sarcoglyphis potamophila
Sarcoglyphis potamophila (Schltr.) Garay & W.Kittr. Photo by Jeffrey Champion

its native range is Borneo.

Latinh Name: 

Sarcoglyphis potamophila (Schltr.) Garay & W.Kittr.


Orchidaceae Juss.


Cleisostoma potamophilum (Schltr.) Garay

Sarcanthus potamophilus Schltr.

English Name:

The River-Loving Sarcoglyphis.


With an unbranched, erect or porrect stem carrying a few, ligulate to linear-ligulate, unequally bilobed, either acute with a deeply V-shaped notch [Sabah] or bluntly rounded [Sarawak], coriaceous, tough, basally clasping leaves that blooms in the late winter through early summer on an axillary, low on the stem, horizontal to descending, laxly 7 to 18 flowered, 11 to 18 cm long, dull olive green spotted marroon to brown, quadrangular in cross-section, slender, glabrous, terete, with 2 to 3 small sheaths and ovate-deltoid, acuminate, glabrous to minutely pappilose floral bracts and carry long-lasting flowers.




In lowland and hill forests on branches of smaller trees often along river banks at elevations around 150 m as a miniature sized, hot growing, monopodial epiphyte.

Flowering times:

Blooms in the late winter through early summer.

Flower size:

1.3 cm.


Plants grow in cool to warm conditions with moderate lighting. Pot plants in a well drain mix with open drainage such as medium fir bark with pumice or coarce perlite. Water regularly and keep the mix a bit moist but not damp. Plants will need to be watered more often during the summer as temperatures become more warm and less water as the temperatures cool in the winter. Wrinkled leaves indicate lack of watering. Plants like high humidity.


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