Lepanthes stenorhyncha Luer

Lepanthes stenorhyncha Luer, Lindleyana 10: 170, fig (1995).

Lepanthes stenorhyncha
Lepanthes stenorhyncha Luer, Photo by Ricardo Marin Thiele

its native range is Costa Rica to Panama


No synonyms are recorded for this name.

English name:

The Slim Nosed Lepanthes (refers to the slender column).

Flower Size:

4.8 mm.


Costa Rica, Panamá.


In premontane rain forest to cloud forest and disturbed primary forests at elevations around 1550 to 1650 m.



Collector Team:

J.T.Atwood 89-195

Type Herbaria:

holotype SEL

Distribution Of Types:

Monteverde, 1600 m, Puntarenas (Costa Rica, Central America, Southern America)

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