Lepanthes fimbriata Ames

 Lepanthes fimbriata Ames, Schedul. Orchid. 3: 11 (1923).

Lepanthes fimbriata
Lepanthes fimbriata
Lepanthes fimbriata
Lepanthes fimbriata Ames, Photos by Ian Fuller

native range is Costa Rica to W. Panama


Lepanthes lindleyana var. major Ames, F.T.Hubb. & C.Schweinf.

Lepanthes setos Luer

English name:

The Fimbriate Lepanthes 

Flower Size:

5.0 mm.


Costa Rica, Panamá.


At elevations around 1550 m, growing epiphtye.


Keep plant in partial shade. Plant can be grown in intermediate conditions. Pot the plant in fine bark with perlite or sphagnum moss. Water regularly and keep potting media moist.


Distribution Of Types; Costa Rica (Central America, Southern America)

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