Jumellea jumelleana

 Jumellea jumelleana (Schltr.) Summerh., Kew Bull. 6(3): 472 (1952).

Jumellea jumelleana
Jumellea jumelleana
Jumellea jumelleana (Schltr.) Summerh., Photo by Gilles Grunenwald

its native range is E. Central Madagascar.

Latinh Name: 

Jumellea jumelleana (Schltr.) Summerh. Family: 

Orchidaceae Juss.


Angraecum jumelleanum Schltr.

Jumellea henryi Schltr.

English Name:

Henri Jumelle's Jumellea (French botanist later 1800's earlier 1900's).


Small plants 7-11 cm tall; stem rigid, 3 mm in diameter, densely leafy. Leaves small (10-16 x 5- 6 mm) and thick, coriaceous, oblong-lingulate and nearly always pleated lengthwise. Peduncle very short, covered entirely by the 3-4 compressed-carinate sheaths, the superior of which is longer; bracts similar the superior sheath. Flowers small (divisions 13 mm). Sepals lingulate, subacute. Petals similar, slightly thinner. Labellum obovate-elliptical (13 x 7 mm), sub obtuse, provided in front of the spur oriface with a short keel or a sloping callus in front; spur wavy, 11 cm long, filiform, at least 3 times longer than the scape (peduncle and pedicel). Column short; auricles carinate and truncate; one very short tooth itt the notch of the rostellum. Pollina caudas retracted; cauda 2, semi rhomboid. Pedicel 2 cm long.




On shrubs in low canopy forests at elevations of 800 to 1500 m as a miniature to small sized, warm to cool growing epiphyte.

Flowering times:

Blooms in the winter.

Flower size:

1.3 cm.


I originally grew it mounted, but have moved it to a pot and it is doing much better for me. It grows in humid, evergreen forest at elevations from 2650 to 5000 ft. I've been growing it with 56F minimum night, moderate to moderately bright light, year round water with dilute fertilizer.


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