Dendrobium cinnabarinum

"Dendrobium cinnabarinum Rchb.f. is native to Borneo. They were encountered in Labuan, Sabah (northern Borneo), and also in the Sarawak mountain forests near the limestone peaks north of Mt.Api (height 1200 m), in lower peat forests on Mt.Dulit (1,900 m high) and on Mt.Buda, on limestone (height 900-1000 m)" 

Dendrobium cinnabarinum Rchb.f., Gard. Chron. n.s., 14: 166 (1880).

Dendrobium cinnabarinum
Dendrobium cinnabarinum Rchb.f., Photo by Michael Coker 

its native range is Borneo.

Latinh Name: 

Dendrobium cinnabarinum Rchb.f. 


Orchidaceae Juss.


Aporum cinnabarinum (Rchb.f.) Rauschert

Ceraia cinnabarina (Rchb.f.) M.A.Clem.

Hibiscorchis cinnabarina (Rchb.f.) Archila & Vinc.Bertolini

English Name:

The Vermillion Dendrobium


With thin, 8 ridged towards the base, thicker above and then thinner towards the apex, shiny stems carrying linear-oblong leaves that blooms in the spring and fall on a 5 cm long, 1 to 3 flowered inflorescence arising from near the apex of leafless stems with short lived flowers. 




In lower moss forests on trees and rocks at elevations of 600 to 2200 meters as a medium sized, warm to cold growing epiphyte or lithophyte.

Flowering times:

Blooms in the spring and fall.

Flower size:

8.0 cm.


Plant grows in cool to warm temperatures with medium amounts of light. Keep plant moist and fertilize during growth season. During winter reduce watering until new shoots appear. Grow in a well drain mix of sphagnum moss or medium fir bark.


Bright; 2500-3500 Footcandles (very bright indirect light)


Intermediate; 55°F min. to 85°F max.


Moist/Daily Watering; 4-7 waterings per week


Plant grows in cool to warm temperatures with medium amounts of light. Keep plant moist and fertilize during growth season. During winter reduce watering until new shoots appear. Grow in a well drain mix of sphagnum moss or medium fir bark.

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