Dendrobium bellatulum Rolfe-The Enchanting Dendrobium

 "Dendrobium bellatulum Rolfe is native to Southeast Asia. Plants are found in north-eastern India, including Sikkim and the Khasi Hills (Khasia). They also grow on the southern Shan Plateau in eastern Burma, in northern Thailand, in the Sedone area of ​​Laos, near Dalat in Vietnam, and in the Provinces of Yunnan and Mengtze in southwest Chia"

Dendrobium bellatulum Rolfe, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 36: 10 (1903).

Dendrobium bellatulum Rolfe; Photo Diep Dinh Quang

Vietnamese name

Bạch hỏa hoàng, Hoàng thảo đốm đỏ.

Chinise name

矮石斛 ai shi hu

Common Name: 

The Enchanting Dendrobium

Latin Name

Dendrobium bellatulum Rolfe



Synonym Name

Dendrobium bellatulum var. cleistogamia Pradhan


The orchid has a short, rhombohedral shape, with 3 segments, bulging in the middle as a can of 2-5cm high. Leaves 2-5 at the tip, tapered blade, 2-5cm long, with 2 unequal lobes, hairy. Flowers 1-3 flowers are pale yellowish white, stalks and gourds 2cm long, flower plates 2cm long; lips are bright red, the middle has 3 elongated edges and each side has a short edge, the terminal lobe is kidney shaped.

Flowers bloom in May-March.


Found in the Himalayas, southern China, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. In VietNam, Found in Kon Ka Kinh Mountain, Gia Lai.


Epiphytic on tree trunks in open forests; 1200-2100 m.

Parts used

Herba Dendrobii


Mouth dry, heat damage after illness, poor vision, gagging, stomach pain, bright eyes (whole tree). pen forests; 1200-2100 m.


Climate: Intermediate Warm

Air Circulation: Medium

Light: Low

Humidity: High

Fertilizer: Monthly

Size: Small

Plant grows in cool to warm temperatures with medium amounts of light. Keep plant moist and fertilize during growth season. Plant prefers dry outs between waterings. During winter reduce watering until new shoots appear. Grow in a well drained mix of sphagnum moss or medium fir bark.


Similar to both Dendrobium luekelianum and Dendrobium christyanum but Dendrobium bellatulum differs mostly in the raised callus on the lip with the yellow apex.






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