Catasetum aculeatum

Catasetum aculeatum F.E.L.Miranda & K.G.Lacerda, Bradea 6: 46, fig (1992).

Catasetum aculeatum
Catasetum aculeatum
Catasetum aculeatum
Catasetum aculeatum F.E.L.Miranda & K.G.Lacerda, Photo by Dudu-Peretto Catasetineas

its native range is Brazil (Amazonas).

Latinh Name: 

Catasetum aculeatum F.E.L.Miranda & K.G.Lacerda 


Orchidaceae Juss.


No synonyms are recorded for this name.

English Name:

The Pointed Catasetum


With clustered, fusiform, erect pseudobulbs enveloped by deciduous sheaths and carrying 5 to 6, oblong-lanceolate, arcuate, narrowing below into the pseudo-petiolate, clasping base leaves that blooms in the later fall on a male, arched, to 22 cm long, to 9 flowered inflorescence carrying resupinate flowers held in the distal 3/5 ths and with lanceolate, clasping bracts. 


Brazil North.


In rainforests at elevations around 50 to 100 m as a small sized, hot growing epiphyte.

Flowering times:

Blooms in the later fall.

Flower size:

2.0 cm.


Grow in intermediate to warm conditions with partially bright light. Water regularly during growing season and when plants drop leaves during dormancy reduce watering. During dormancy only water about twice a month to keep pseudobulbs from shriveling. Resume watering normally when new growths occur in spring. Plants can die easily from over watering. Plants are usually grown in bark with perlite, cork, full sphagnum moss, and tree fern. Female flowers will often be produced when high light and low moisture is present. While male flowers are produced in shadier situation of higher moisture.


Collector Team:

Jr.,K.G.Lacerda C153

Type Herbaria:

holotype MG

isotype HB

Distribution Of Types:

Amazonas (Brazil, Southern America)

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