Aerides odorata Lour.
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Aerides odorata Lour. Photo by Son Le Hong |
1790, Fl. Cochinchin.: 525: Guillaumin, 1933, in Lecomte, Fl. Gen. Indochine 6: 569: Seidenf., 1992, Opera Bot. 114: 426: P. H. Ho, 1993, 111. Fl. Vietnam 3, 2: 1147, f. 10372; Aver., 1994, Ident. Guide Vietnam. Orch.: 343; Thin, 1997, Sida 17, 4: 756; Aver. & Averyanova, 2003, Updated Checkl. Orch. Vietnam: 10; Soejarto et al., 2004, Seed plants CPNP: 445.
Aerides micholitzii Rolfe,1904, OrchidRev.12:1S1; Guillaumin,1933,inH.Lecomte,Fl.Indo-Chine6:466. Aerides odorata subvar. immaculata Guillaumin, 1933, in H. Lecomte, Fl. Indo-Chine 6: 466.
Studied collections.
2 May 1985, Averyanov et al., LX-VN 1837/78; 14 Sept. 1999, X.T.Hiep et al., NTH 3001.
Large epiphyte with stout branching stem, becoming pendulous with age. Leaves 25 by 2.5 cm, rigid, bilobed at apex. Inflorescence many-flowered, arching or pendent, to 35 cm long. Flowers sweetly fragrant, 2 cm across, yellowish-white, with violet-purple blotches. Sepals and petals sub-similar 1.2 by 0.8 cm. Lip with large spur turned up in front; side-lobes and mid lobe erect, incurved, arched over column. Fruit ellipsoid winged capsule, 2.5 by 1 cm.
Flowering time.
Geographic range.
Bhutan, Nepal, India, Myanmar, S. China, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malacca Peninsula, Philippines, Indonesia
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