Bulbophyllum auratum flava

 Bulbophyllum auratum (Lindl.) Rchb.f. its native range is Sikkim, Peninsula Thailand to W. Malesia

Bulbophyllum auratum Rchb.f., Ann. Bot. Syst. (Walpers) 6(2): 261 (1861).

Bulbophyllum auratum flava
Bulbophyllum auratum flava; Photo by Are Orkid
Bulbophyllum auratum
Bulbophyllum auratum flava; Photo by Epy BP

Bulbophyllum auratum
Bulbophyllum auratum flava; Photo by Deen Manchota
Bulbophyllum auratum
Bulbophyllum auratum; Photo by Are Orkid


Bulbophyllum borneense (Schltr.) J.J.Sm.
Bulbophyllum campanulatum Rolfe
Cirrhopetalum auratum Lindl.
Cirrhopetalum borneense Schltr.
Cirrhopetalum campanulatum (Rolfe) Rolfe
Phyllorkis aurata (Lindl.) Kuntze

English name:

The Golden Bulbophyllum

Flower Size:

3.5 cm.


Borneo, East Himalaya, Malaya, Sumatera, Thailand.


These plants are found in mixed forests, the main vegetation of which is dipterocarpus, as well as in more open areas in heath thickets at an altitude of 400-1100 m.


Keep plant in warm temperatures. Keep moist in summer seasons and do not allow mix to dry, in winter keep the mix slight dry and reduce watering. Keep good air movement to avoid fungal growth. Keep plants in shade. Pot plants in sphagnum moss, fine bark, or mounted


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