Dracula chimaera (Rchb.f.) Luer

Dracula chimaera (Rchb.f.) Luer, Selbyana 2(2-3): 194 (1978).

Dracula chimaera
Dracula chimaera (Rchb.f.) Luer, Photo by David Haelterman
Dracula chimaera
Dracula chimaera
Dracula chimaera (Rchb.f.) Luer, Photo by Janne Aho
Dracula chimaera (hairy) with a very thin and pale flower form tinted with yellowish and brown.
Originally discovered in Colombia, where the species occurs in the Eastern and Central Cordillera, as well as in the Western Cordillera, at higher altitudes up to 2800 meters of elevation (1993, 2010), but was later recorded in the northern region of Ecuador, where the species occurs at approximately 2200 meters of elevation.
In Colombia Dracula chimaera is classified as Least Consern unlike other Dracula spp. (72 >) in Colombia, which are classified as Vulnerable, Near Threatened, Threatened or Critically Endangered (2018). In Ecuador 59 Dracula species are known. 
Flower 9 cm + the tails

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