Papilionanthe teres (Roxb.) Schltr.

 Papilionanthe teres Schltr., Orchis 1915, ix. 78.

Papilionanthe teres  Schltr.- Photo by
Papilionanthe teres  Schltr.- Photo by Rex Bee
Papilionanthe teres
Papilionanthe teres  Schltr.- Photo by ພົງໄພບູນ ພອນປະເສີດ

its native range is Nepal to China (S. Yunnan) to Indo-China
Dendrobium teres Roxb.

Papilionanthe teres f. candida (Rchb.f.) Christenson

Vanda teres (Roxb.) Lindl.

Vanda teres var. candida Rchb.f.

Vietnamese name:

Lan cành giao, Vân lan, Lan bướm hồ điệp.

English name:

The Terete Leaf Papilionanthe

Thailand name:

Ueang kean - Ueang mok - Mok kulap

Chinise name:

Feng Die Lan - 凤蝶兰

Flower Size:

9 cm.


Chinese Himalayas, Assam, Bangladesh, eastern Himalayas, India, Nepal, Andaman Islands, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam (hừa Thiên Huế, Lâm Đồng).


Epiphytic on tree trunks in open forests or at forest margins; 500-900 m.


Antipyretic, antipyretic, antidote (whole plant).


Plants are best grown hung in baskets and on mounted and require full sun and warm temperatures. Plants should be grown in media that is well drained such as tree fern fibers (for small plants), several pieces of coarse fir bark, or sphagnum moss. Plants require high humidity. If the plants are mounted the roots must be watered regularly.

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