Dendrobium heterocarpum Wall. ex Lindl.

"Dendrobium heterocarpum Wall. ex Lindl., also called as The Different Fruit Dendrobium, Callista aurea, Callista heterocarpa, Dendrobium atractodes, Dendrobium aureum, Dendrobium aureum var. pallidum, Dendrobium heterocarpum var. henshalii, Dendrobium minahassae, Dendrobium rhombeum, is a species of the genus Dendrobium. This species was described by Wallich ex Lindley in 1830"

Dendrobium heterocarpum Wall. ex Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 78 (1830).

Dendrobium heterocarpum
Dendrobium heterocarpum
Dendrobium heterocarpum
Dendrobium heterocarpum
Dendrobium heterocarpum Wall. ex Lindl.;  Photos Mathew Jose Math


Callista aurea (Lindl.) Kuntze

Callista heterocarpa (Wall. ex Lindl.) Kuntze

Dendrobium atractodes Ridl.

Dendrobium aureum Lindl.

Dendrobium minahassae Kraenzl.


Vienamese name:

Nhất điểm hoàng, Lụa vàng. 

English Name:

The Different Fruit Dendrobium

Thailand name:

 Ueang si tan

Chinese name:

Jian Dao Chun Shi Hu - 尖刀唇石斛De


Epiphyte. Stems three or four together, 10 to 15cm long and 2 to 3 cm in cross section at the apex, narrowed at the base and gradually widening towards the apex, ribbed, sheathed. Leaves 4 to 6 cm long and 1 to 2 cm in width, elliptic-oblong, sub-acute, deciduous during flowering. Flowers 3 to 5 on a short peduncle, 2 to 3 cm across. Sepals and petals pale brownish green, lip is of a slightly darker shade of sepals and petals, with many brownish red streaks and spots on its disc and sides. Sepals sub-equal, the dorsal longer, linear-oblong; the lateral pair lanceolate. Petals smaller and broader than the sepals, lanceolate. Both sepals and petals five nerved. Lip pointed, decurved, with undulate edges and hairy disc.


Assam, Bangladesh, Borneo, China South-Central, East Himalaya, India, Jawa, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Malaya, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Thailand, Vietnam (Ninh Bình, Thừa Thiên-Huế, Lâm Đồng, Bảo Lộc), West Himalaya


Epiphytic on tree trunks in open forests; 1550-1850 m

Flowering times:

Blooms in spring and summer.

Flower size:

6..3 cm.


Plant grows in warm to hot temperatures with medium amounts of light. Keep plant moist and fertilize during growth season. During winter reduce watering until new shoots appear. Grow in a well drain mix of sphagnum moss or medium fir bark.



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