Dendrobium finisterrae Schltr.

Dendrobium finisterrae Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1: 495 (Aug. 1912) (1912).

Dendrobium finisterrae
Dendrobium finisterrae Schltr.; Photo Orchids of Kurt


Dendrobium melanolasium Gilli

Sayeria finisterrae (Schltr.) Rauschert

Dendrobium finisterrae Schltr., from section Latouria, is an intermediate growing endemic epiphyte found in the lower montane forests of New Guinea (900-2100m). Most likely named for the Finisterre Mountains in Morobe Province (Northeastern mainland), the plants are large and the flowers are quite long lasting. This particular plant is blooming in my garden now and usually only blooms once a year for me. These inflorecenses are from last year's new growth and have produced relatively few flowers; 3-4 vs 8-10 for the older growths.

Of note: The name Finisterre derives from the Latin finis terrae, meaning "end of the earth." So this is the Dendrobium from the End of the Earth or the End of the Earth's Dendrobium

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