Bulbophyllum lobbii Lindl.

"Bulbophyllum lobbii Lindl. is common in Southeast Asian countries. Its distribution extends south from Assam in India to Burma and Thailand through the Malay peninsula, to the islands of Borneo, Sumatra and Java. This species grows at an altitude of 700-2100 m. It is also found on the Philippine islands of Luzon and Palawan at an altitude of 1000-1500 m above sea level" 

Bulbophyllum lobbii Lindl., Edwards's Bot. Reg. 33: sub t. 29 (1847).

Bulbophyllum lobbii
Bulbophyllum lobbii
Bulbophyllum lobbii Lindl.; Photo by Azman Harun
Bulbophyllum lobbii Lindl.; Photo by Are Orkid
Bulbophyllum lobbii
Bulbophyllum lobbii  Lindl. (Bulbophyllum claptonense); Photo by Are Orkid


Bulbophyllum claptonense Rolfe

Bulbophyllum henshallii Lindl.

Bulbophyllum lobbii var. breviflorum J.J.Sm.

Bulbophyllum lobbii var. siamense W.Saunders

Bulbophyllum polystictum Ridl.

Bulbophyllum siamense Rchb.f.

Bulbophyllum sumatranum Garay, Hamer & Siegerist

Phyllorchis lobbii (Lindl.) Kuntze

Phyllorkis lobbii (Lindl.) Kuntze

Sarcobodium lobbii (Lindl.) Beer

Sarcopodium lobbii (Lindl.) Lindl. & Paxton

Sestochilos uniflorum Breda



English Name:

Lobb's Bulbophyllum.


Pseudobulbs with a persistent sheath that split into yellow fibers and carries a single, apical, leathery leaf that blooms in the summer on an erect, 15 cm long, single flowered inflorescence that arises from a node on the rhizome. The large, fragrant, single flower arising on each new pseudobulb is held at mid leaf.


Assam, Bangladesh, Borneo, Cambodia, East Himalaya, Jawa, Lesser Sunda Is., Malaya, Myanmar, Philippines, Sumatera, Thailand.


This species grows in lowland forests and mountains, on the trunk and main branches of trees. At an altitude of 200 to 2000 meters above sea level.

Flowering times:

Blooms in the summer.

Flower size:

7.0 to 12 cm


Bulbophyllum lobbii Lindl. is a hot to warm growing orchid and will do best mounted or in a pot with a well draining medium and regular water and fertilizer but have caution. As the new pseudobulbs develop, fungus can easily occur from overwatering.
Temperatures: 15°-23°C
Water: weekly watering + mist regularly
Air humidity: 70-80%
Placement: Halfshade + good ventilation





Vermeulen, J., O'Byrne, P. & Lamb, A. (2015). Bulbophyllum of Borneo: 1-728. Nautural History Publications (Borneo), Kota Kinabalu.

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