Silver Banksia (Banksia marginate)
The most common of all banksias in Victoria, the Silver Banksia has pale yellow-green flower cones that can appear at any time of the year. All banksias produce nectar important for nectar-eating birds, which also act as pollinators. Visiting pollinators that enjoy the nectar and seeds of banksias include the New Holland Honeyeater, Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo, insects and small mammals such as Eastern Pygmy- possum, Feathertail Glider and Sugar Glider. Banksia flowers can be soaked to make a delicious, sweet drink from the nectar. The dry cones of Silver Banksia are also useful as strainers and fire carriers.
Soure: Indigenous plant use; A booklet on the medicinal, nutritional and technological use of indigenous plants; By Zena Cumpston; Clean Air and Urban Landscapes (CAUL) Hub in Melbourne 2020
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