Suregada multiflora

Suregada multiflora (Jussieu) Baillon 1858
Suregada multiflora
Suregada multiflora
Suregada multiflora
Suregada multiflora
Suregada multiflora
(Suregada multiflora (Jussieu) Baillon Photos Hoang Thanh Son)
Vietnamese name: Nút áo, Kén, Cứt ngựa, Mần mây, Săng ớt, Cây cổ ngỗng
Chinese name: bai shu
Common Name: Common names: false lime (English); narenga (Bengali); bai shu (Chinese); ban naranga (Hindi); tromong sek (Khmer); limau hantu (Malay); duk sai, ma duk lueam, muat rot, salot nam (Thai); khakra (Urdu).
Latin Name: Suregada multiflora (Jussieu) Baillon 1858
Synonym Name: Gelonium multiflorum Jussieu; G. aequoreum Hance var. hainanense Hemsley.
Family: Euphorbiaceae
It is a shrub or a small evergreen dioecious tree with vertical posture, up to about 12 m tall, with branches with smooth bark of greyish yellow to greyish brown colour. The leaves, on a 0,2-1 cm long petiole, are alternate, simple, oblong-elliptic to obovate-elliptic with entire margin or slightly serrate in the terminal part, obtuse or shortly pointed apex, 5-15 cm long and 3-8 cm broad, coriaceous, of glossy intense green colour above, pale green below. The inflorescences, on a 0,3-1 cm long are cymes opposite to the leave bearing few unisexual flowers having no corolla, of 0,4-0,7 cm of diameter, white cream to yellow and slightly perfumed. Male flowers with calyx with 5 roundish sepals, concave, and a multitude of stamens, the female ones with 5-6 obovate sepals persistent in fruit, ovoid trilocular superior ovary and 3 short styles with bifid stigma
Distribution: This plant occurs in China, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam. In Viet Nam: Vĩnh Phúc, Thanh Hoá tới Quảng Ngãi.
The tree grows naturally in evergreen forest or scrub, on sandstone soils, at an altitude of 100-500 m.
Uses: Treatment of women, menstrual disorders (Trunk: drink aqueous extract).

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