Antenoron filiforme

Antenoron filiforme (Thunb.) Roberty et Vautier
Antenoron filiforme
(Antenoron filiforme (Thunb.) Roberty et Vautier; Photo and Tetsuhiko Nobuta)
Latin Name: Antenoron filiforme (Thunb.) Roberty et Vautier
Family: Polygonaceae; Genus: Antenoron
Synonym Name: Polygonum filiforme Thunb.; Polygonum virginianum var. filiforme (Thunb.) Merr.    
English Name: Christina Loosestrife, Longhairy Antenoron
Chinese name: 线 jin xian cao
Vietnamese Name: Kim tiền thảo; Nghể hình sợi.
Description: Herbs perennial. Rhizomes stout. Stems erect, 50-80 cm tall, striate, appressed hispid, swollen at nodes. Petiole 1-1.5 cm, appressed hispid; leaf blade elliptic or narrowly elliptic to ovate, rarely obovate, 6-15 × 4-8 cm, both surfaces appressed hispid, base cuneate, margin entire, apex acute or acuminate; ocrea tubular, 5-10 mm, membranous, shortly ciliate. Inflorescence terminal or axillary, 15-35 cm, slender, laxly flowered; bracts funnel-shaped, 2-3 mm, ciliate, 1-3-flowered. Pedicel 3-4 mm. Perianth rose, 4-parted; tepals ovate, ca. 3 mm, accrescent. Stamens usually 5, included. Styles 2, persistent, enlarged and indurate at maturity, 3.5-4 mm, deflexed and hooked at apex, long exserted from perianth. Achenes included in persistent perianth, dark brown, shiny, ovoid, biconvex, smooth. Flowering: July to August, fruiting: September to October.
Distribution: Growing in forest edges and roadside dank places. Can be cultivated. Distributed in Shandong, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and etc. The medicinal materials are mainly produced in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Shaanxi..
Part Used: Medical part: entire plant. Chinese name: Jinxiancao.
Harvest & Processing: Collected in summer and autumn, sun-dried or used fresh.
- Bronane-5-hydroxy-2-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside, adenosine, bonaroside, rhamnetin, hyperoside, rhamnetin-3-O-beta-D-galactopyranoside, kaempferol-3, 7-O-bis-alpha-L-rhamnopyranoside, stigmasterol, nonacosanoic acid, daucosterol, 3beta-sitosterol.
- Phenolics: 1,3-di-O-p-coumaroyl-2',6'-di-O-acetylsucrose and quercetin 3-O-β-D-apiofuranoyl-(1→2)-α-L-rhamnopyranoside.
Pharmacology: Astringency-inducing, diarrhea-checking, and antimicrobial, antiviral activity against the Coxsackie virus B3
Properties & Actions: Pungent, bitter, cool, mild-toxic. Removing wind and damp, replenishing qi, relieving pain, arresting bleeding and dispersing stasis.
Indications & Usage: Used for rheumatic ostealgia, gastralgia, coughing up blood, hematemesis, hemafecia, profuse uterine bleeding, menstrual stomachache, postpartum abdominal pain due to blood stasis, injuries from falls. Internal: decocting, 9-30g. External: prepared decoction for washing.
1. Coughing up blood due to primary tuberculosis: stem and leaves of christina loosestrife 30g. Decoct in water and swallow.
2. Gastric pain: stem and leaves of christina loosestrife, decoct in water and swallow.
- Chinese Medicinal Material Images Database
- theplantlist
- Zhao YX, Li HF, Ma QY, Li N, Huang SZ.; Studies on the chemical constituents of the herb of Antenoron filiforme. Zhong yao cai = Zhongyaocai = Journal of Chinese Medicinal Materials. 2011 May; 34(5):704-707.
- Ma SZ, Luan SH, Zhu LJ1, Zhang X, Yao XS, Antiviral phenolics from Antenoron filiforme var. neofiliforme. J Asian Nat Prod Res. 2018 Aug;20(8):763-769

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