Acanthopanacis Cortex (Wujiapi)

Acanthopanacis Cortex (Wujiapi)

Slenderstyle Acanthopanax Bark

Slenderstyle Acanthopanax Bark is the dried root bark of Acanthopanax gracilistylus W. W. Smith ( Fam. Araliaceae). The root is collected in summer and autumn, washed clean, the bark is stripped off, and dried in the sun.


Irregular quills, 5-15 cm long, 0. 4-1. 4 cm in diameter, about 2 mm thick. Outer surface greyish-brown, with slightly twisted longitudinal wrinkles and transverse lenticel-like scars; inner surface pale yellow or greyish- yellow, with fine longitudinal striations. Texture light, fragile, easily broken, fracture irregular, greyish-white Odour, slightly aromatic; taste, slightly pungent and bitter.


Transverse- section: Cork cells several layers. Phellem narrow, scattered with a few secretory canals. Phloem broad, with clefts in the outer part, rays 15 cells wide; secretory canals fairly frequent, so;rounded with 4-11 secretory cells. Parenchymatous cells containing clusters of calcium oxalate and small starch granules.


Greyish-white. Clusters of calcium oxalate 8-64 µm in diameter, sometimes the crystal cells linked together, with clusters arranged in rows. Cork cells rectangular or polygonal, thin-walled; sometimes the walls of cork cells of older root barks unevenly thickened, less pitted. Fragments of secretory canals containing colourless or pale yellow secretion. Starch granules abundant, simple granules polygonal or subspherical, 2-8 µm in diameter; compound granules consisting of 2 to tens of components.


Not more than 13.0 per cent (Appendix K H, method 1).

Total ash:

Not more than 12. 0 per cent (Appendix IX K).

Prepared slices:

Processing Eliminate foreign matter, wash clean, soften thoroughly, cut into thick slices, and dry in the sun.

Property and Flavor:

Warm; pungent and bitter.

Meridian tropism:

Liver and kidney meridians.


To dispel wind and remove dampness, tonify and replenish the liver and kidney, strengthen sinew and bone, promote urination to alleviate edema.


Wind-dampness impediment disease, limp wilting sinew and bone, infantile walk retardation, weak constitution and lack of strength, edema, tinea pedis.

Administration and dosage:

5-10 g.


Preserve in a dry place, protected from mould and moth.

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