Sulfur (LIU HUANG)

Sulfur (LIU HUANG)

Sulfur (LIU HUANG)

Sulfur (LIU HUANG)

Pharmaceutical Name:
Latin Name:
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Part Used:
Sulfur is obtained from the natural sulfur of the elemental mineral group. Sulfur is either collected and melted to free it from foreign matter or obtained by processing minerals that contain sulfur.
Properties  Taste & Meridians:
Sour in flavor, warm in property, toxic, acts on the Kidney and Large Intestine channels.
Counteracts poisons, is an anthelmintic, and cures sores when used externally; reinforces Yang and relaxes the bowels when taken orally.
Indications & Combinations:
1. For scabies humida, tinea, and intractable cellulitis of a Yin nature.
2. For coldness and pain of the lower back and knee and impotence due to decline of Fire at the Gate of Life, and for asthma and dyspnea due to Failure of the Kidney to grasp air, it is used with herbs for strengthening Yang.
3. For constipation due to Deficiency and Cold, it is used with Rhizoma Pinelliae (Ban Xia).
Dosage and administration:
1–3 g, used in pill or powder form. Appropriate amount for external use.
Contraindicated during pregnancy or in patients with flaring of Fire due to Yin Deficiency.

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