Puffball (MA BO)-Lasiosphaera fenzlii-Lasiosphaera seu Calvatia

Puffball (MA BO)

Lasiosphaera fenzlii (Fam. Lycoperdaceae)
Lasiosphaera fenzlii (Fam. Lycoperdaceae)
Pharmaceutical Name:
Lasiosphaera seu Calvatia
Botanical Name:
Lasiosphaera fenzlii Reich., Calvatia gigantea (Batsch ex Pers.) Lloyd or Calvatia lilacina (Mont. et Berk.) Lloyd (Fam. Lycoperdaceae)
Common Name:
Part Used:
Lasiosphaera seu Calvatia is gathered in autumn. It is sliced or ground after removal of the skin.
Properties  Taste & Meridians:
Pungent in flavor, neutral in property, acts on the Lung channel.
Clears pathogenic Heat from the Lung, soothes sore throat, arrests bleeding.
Indications & Combinations:
1. For cough, hoarseness, and sore throat due to Excessive Heat in the Lung, it is used alone or with Radix Scrophulariae (Xuan Shen) and Radix Isatidis (Ban Lan Gen), or with Mirabilitum (Mang Xiao), Rhizoma Belamcandae (She Gan), and Rhizoma Cimicifugae (Sheng Ma) in “The Rhizoma Belamcandae Decoction” (Shegan Tang).
2. For hematemesis and epistaxis due to Excess Heat in the Blood, it is used alone or with other herbs orally or externally.
Dosage and administration:
3–6 g, decocted in water for an oral dose, or used in pills and powder. Appropriate quantity for external application.

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