Pepper (HU JIAO)-Piper nigrum-Fructus Piperis Nigri

Pepper (HU JIAO)

Piper nigrum L. (Fam. Piperaceae)
Piper nigrum L. (Fam. Piperaceae)

Pharmaceutical Name:
Fructus Piperis Nigri
Botanical Name:
Piper nigrum L. (Fam. Piperaceae)
Common Name:
Part Used:
Dried, nearly ripe or ripe fruit
Fructus Piperis Nigri is produced chiefly in southern China. This herb has two types, namely, black pepper, which consists of the unripe dried fruit, and white pepper, which consists of the ripe dried fruit with the peel removed. Both kinds are ground into a fine powder for use.
Properties  Taste & Meridians:
Pungent in flavor, hot in property, acts on the Stomach and Large Intestine channels.
Warms the Spleen and Stomach, relieves pain.
Indications & Combinations:
For epigastric and abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea due to Pathogenic Cold in the Stomach, it is used with other herbs that warm the Spleen and Stomach, such as Rhizoma Alpiniae Officinarum (Gao Liang Jiang) and Fructus Piperis Longi (Bi Bo). In treating diarrhea due to Cold, Fructus Piperis can be made into a plaster and applied to the umbilicus.
Dosage and administration:
2– 4 g, decocted in water for an oral dose; 0.5 g, if ground into powder for an oral dose. Appropriate quantity for external application.

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