Common hop-Humulus lupulus L.-Poisonous plant

Common hop

General poisoning notes:

Hop (Humulus lupulus) is cultivated for its use in beer-making. It is also used as an ornamental vine in many areas. Hop pickers can develop dermatitis from working with common hop plants (Raith and Jager 1984, Fuller and McClintock 1986).


Scientific Name: Humulus lupulus L.
Vernacular name(s): common hop
Scientific family name: Cannabinaceae
Vernacular family name: hemp

Geographic Information

British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward, Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan

Notes on Poisonous plant parts:

In addition to allergic responses, the hairs on the leaves may cause mechanical abrasion of the skin (Fuller and McClintock 1986).

Toxic parts:

Leaves, mature fruit

Toxic plant chemicals:

unknown chemical

Animals/Human Poisoning:

Note: When an animal is listed without additional information, the literature (as of 1993) contained no detailed explanation.


General symptoms of poisoning:

Blistering, conjunctivitis, erythema

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