Herbal Pharmacology in the People Republic of China A Trip Report of the American Herbal Pharmacology Delegation


Herbs act in almost magical and astonishing ways: spasms may relax, pains vainsh, constipation overcome, nervousness recede, headaches disappear, colds be banished, allergies counteracted, fevers controlled, blood flow arrested... the magic is endless.

Since early Neanderthal man, plants and herbs have been used for healing purposes and maintaining good health. Even has medical science has progressed, methods and ideas based on herbal healing have sustained and grown in different countries, across different cultures, often being used in exactly the same way. For instance, bitter chamomile is used as digestive aid throughout the world.

Traditional herbal remedies have led scientists to the development of numerous 'modern' drugs; from aspirin, tranquilizers and to heart saving digitalis, establishing beyond doubt the efficiency of 'herbal medicine'.

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